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Articles (9 found)

th7t32tiph Clergy Well-being Study
Many clergy are seriously impacted by the volume of pastoral relationships responsibilities that they carry. We are teaming up to research this more deeply and we would love your help. If you are a minister in the Church of England please read on... more ...
Kathryn Kissell
Dr-google-pic1 Visiting Dr Google 
A visit to Dr Google can become a dangerous obsession with reassurance that leads only to further doubt and fear. Here are a few ideas of how to keep it under control. more ...
rep Mental Health and Your Marriage
It can be very tough when one partner in a relationship begins to suffer from a mental health problem. Here is some simple advice to help you through... more ...
Will Van Der Hart
nhs-logo-square Spirituality in the NHS
Spirituality and Mental Health is a wider topic than just looking at Christian aspects, but there are lots of opportunities and synergies with other faith groups - as well as some challenges more ...
Rob Waller
dice Diagnosis - for good or ill?
Being given a diagnosis can be extremely helpful as it gives a name, support and treatment options. However diagnosis or ‘having a diagnosis’ can have many unwanted effects. more ...
Dr Emma Pierce
logo square 300 Coming to Peace With Psychology
Book review - What can Christians learn from psychological sciences? An uneasy partnership, or a relationship that will enhance both our theology and our faith? more ...
Everett Worthington
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