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The Mind and Soul Foundation


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Hello and welcome to our shiny new website!!

We’ve been working as the Mind and Soul Foundation for nearly 2 decades now, supporting the church across denominations and locations to engage with the whole complex area of mental and emotional wellbeing through resources. In that time we’ve had the privilege of meeting so many amazing people, seeing God’s vision for wellbeing catch so many hearts and minds - and we’ve seen some amazing ministries birthed and grow as a result!

In the last 5 years or so we’ve really sensed a change in the call we’re holding as a team. Journeying through the pandemic also clarified that, as we responded to the massive need across churches and other frontline professions. 

In the early days, the challenge and sense of calling we all recognised was about getting the church talking about mental health and wellbeing. At that time it wasn’t something you heard discussed - and there wasn’t good teaching or theology around to help those grappling with key topics in the faith space. 

Now, that has changed! In secular culture we’re talking much more about mental and emotional health. Popular campaigns like Time to Talk and World Mental Health Day have raised the profile of mental health, and it's become common to hear celebrities and world figures talking about emotional wellbeing and mental illness. And the church has also started many more conversations about these topics. When we began our work it was a challenge just to get one seminar thinking about mental health at most conferences and festivals - now we’re leading streams at many, and seeing others doing brilliant teaching around so many common topics and struggles. 

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” John 14:27

All this means our own vision and call has changed - and we’re recognising a need to shape the conversations being had. As people of faith we have a different perspective to bring: stories of hope and advice for how to live life based on different foundations. In John 14:27 Jesus tells us he came to bring a different kind of peace to that the world gives: a way that we can live where our hearts are not troubled and we do not need to feel pushed into panic by the things we see, read and experience. Even in the midst of darkness we can live as people of light and life. 

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light.” Ephesians 5:8

And so we’ve redesigned and relaunched our site - featuring and highlighting the best of our content and reorganising it so you can find things more easily. We’re passionate about supporting leaders across all kinds of spaces but particularly in church or faith settings. You can read about our vision to restore, reframe and release leaders by clicking on About Us in the toolbar. 

We know one thing leaders often ask us for is comment and direction around key or current topics - so keep an eye on this good space where we’ll be doing our best to respond to the things bubbling up in the world and media. And do get in touch if there’s something you need to read about that we don’t yet cover on the site. Meanwhile bear with us as we’re continuing to work on things and tidy up some loose ends around the site. We’ll be releasing new articles and content regularly, so it's always worth watching our social media channels for updates.

Kate Middleton, 24/07/2024

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