
We have almost 500 articles on a wide range of topics to do with mental health and Christianity. Browse our articles by title, or by most viewed, or see our tag cloud. See also our advanced search page.

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Grow Conference Resources 
Three talks for church leaders on mental health from Edinburgh, March 2024. Audio and Video
Leadership and Vulnerability
Leaders increasing need to show vulnerability to get the most out of their teams.
WMHD 2023 
Will highlights the need for greater equality in mental health provision while emphasising the role of local communities, including churches, in promoting mental well-being.
Empowering Educators
Essential resources to empower educators in addressing mental health challenges in the classroom and beyond.
Subversive Rest 
To rest and recreate in today’s high-speed world is an act of rebellion. This rebellion is a freedom filled with upsides.
On Trust 
How do we learn to trust, and to rebuild when trust is broken?
Carers don’t cause eating disorders 
Beyond just the person with the eating disorder is their entire carer network - the 24/7 role of a carer watching someone you love suffering this cruel illness. An illness that sweeps through entire homes, families and keeps you awake at all hours.
Anxiety: The Canary in the Coal Mine (Part II) 
Part II of our long read exploring why we need to stop trying to treat cultural anxiety and look for the causes instead.